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Our School Mission: 

Our school aims to ensure that the individuality of each child is accommodated while acknowledging the right of each child to an appropiate education. The staff of Scoil Muire, Ballyheane, take the view that every child should get the chance :

• For personal fulfilment.
• For full and harmonious development.
• To live as full a life as possible as a child taking home and general environment into account.
• To be able to further their education so that he/she may go on to live a full and worthwhile life as an adult in society.

We are committed to promoting:
• The Spiritual , intellectual, emotional, moral, aesthetic and social development of the each child in a Christian atmosphere.
• The self esteem and self respect of each individual child in a safe and caring and welcoming environment.
• Respect for others.


We instill in pupils:

• Christian values and ethos.
• Positive attitudes of praise affirmation and encouragement.
• Pride in their environment.
• Healthy minds and bodies through the medium of sport.
• Respect for their teachers, fellow pupils, parents, those in charge and older people within the community.

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