Ballyheane Dúchas Entries and History Project
History Project
The History of Ballyheane
We have several stories on the Dúchas website contributed by Liam Ó Duibhir, a teacher in Ballyheane NS at that time, to the Folklore Commission in 1938/39. The stories really deserve to be viewed as they are full of local history and beliefs and they are presented in their original handwritten form.
2. Forts
3. No Title
4. Cures
5. Cures
6. No Title
7. Games
8. Flax
9. Hidden Gold
10. Hidden Gold
11. Hidden Gold
12. Hidden Gold
13. Hidden Gold
14. Riddles
15. Riddles
16. Riddles
17. St. Patrick
18. Weeds and Herbs
19. Herbs and Weeds
20. Local Industries
21. Marriages
22. Thart
23. Ballyheane Fairs
24. Ballyheane Fairs

Senior Classes with Anne Bourke
In September of this year, the pupils of 5th and 6th class under the guidance of their class teacher Anne-Marie Kelly, decided to study the history of Ballyheane as it constitutes a huge proportion of their history curriculum. They put together an impressive class display and also compiled a souvenir history booklet that will be treasured forever.
As the first step, the students of Ballyheane explored its history with a walking tour which was kindly provided by Anne Bourke (a local retired teacher and great friend of the school)
They then compiled questionnaires which they distributed to their grandparents entitled "The good old days". Each pupil used these questionnaires to interview their grandparents and neighbours about school,farming, games and pastimes and other local history of times gone by.
Finally a visit to their local library with Ivor Hamrock who spoke to the pupils about how to carry out historical research on the locality. The pupils were guided on different ways of gathering information and brought back lots of historical information to the school where it was compiled into a booklet for their parents and grandparents and neighbours to enjoy.
You can visit our school or purchase a booklet if you would like to learn more about this project.