Our Trip to Derrinumera Landfill
On Wednesday the 23rd of February, 2nd, 3rd,5th and 6th classes went to visit the waste facilities as part of our Green Schools project.
The Manager was a man named Cillian. He showed us 'round the recycling area, he told us a few facts about the landfill as well.
At first when we arrived, we walked around a small area outside, where Cillian showed us 5 different types of WEEE (electrical goods that can be recycled. e.g. Washing machines, irons, kettles, dishwashers and televisions). He also showed us what kind of waste goes where.
After a while, we got back on the bus to drive up to the landfill. It was about one meter deep. Cillian explained that it would be full by July. He also told us about the pipes that were coming out of the ground. He said that they were for taking out all the harmful gases. It was like watching a heat wave come out of a pipe!
On the way back the students got a chance to ask a few questions. One of them was about pest control and if Cillian had seen any rats around the site. Cillian then replied with, “ In all my seven years of working here, I have honestly only seen about three. “
At the exit, the bus had to be sprayed with water by a machine to make sure that there wasn't any harmful germs on the vehicle.
In conclusion, I had a great day altogether and I'm pretty sure everyone else did too.
By Rhian McPhee
Some Pictures here >
The teachers incorporate aspects of the green school plan into their classroom lessons.
The teachers advise informally at various times during the day e.g. lunch.
The children on the green schools committee report officially to the classes.